Tips to Protect Your Garden from Pests
Controlling pests through natural methods is often less expensive than commercial pesticides, and usually just as effective. In some cases, like fencing, these methods can even be more effective. You should always learn about the pests in your garden as much as you can. Look up information on sites like Wikipedia and YouTube. Once you have knowledge on your side, you can look for natural methods to deter our invaders.
Natural Pesticides
Natural pesticides don’t always mean chemicals or substances that kill the pests in question. Pulling weeds, for instance, can be an effective method at controlling the amount of predators to your garden. You can also use natural composting techniques to build resilient plants. Surround your most important crops in wire fencing. It will help them grow taller, and it will prevent larger predators from stealing your vegetables. Chemicals like lime sulfur kill insect eggs, which prevents further infestations from getting worse.
Bug Barriers
There are several spices and herbs you can use to create a natural barrier around your home. Garlic, cayenne pepper and cinnamon can be sprinkled into water and then sprayed around the house. Vinegar, especially when combined with mint or sage, can be a powerful bug repellant well. Essential oils, like spearmint or lemongrass, can be added to vodka as another effective bug barrier. Be sure to allow these chemicals to steep overnight so that the result is extra pungent.
A Gallagher fence offers non-lethal protection for your garden or animal pen. The fencing is easy to set up, and it sends a small current of electricity to the predator that touches it. This is one of the most effective methods of protecting your garden as it basically reinforces that your garden is off limits. You should always try to learn more about the pest that’s bothering your garden before you try to fence them out. Rabbits, for instance, would be able to sneak right through most metal fences. Deer might just jump over them. It’s very important that you research your pests, because you may uncover alternative methods to keep them out.
Final Thoughts
A good dog is always useful in a garden. Farmers use farm dogs all the time to chase away predators and to help guide herds of animals. Fencing is one of the best options you have to protect your garden, but natural repellent can also be effective.
Jason Governo writes on behalf of Farm Supply Store, the Web’s destination for electric garden fencing. Protect your garden with products from Farm Supply Store.
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