
Taking care of potted plants during the fall season

Finally the fall is here. It is that time of the year you bring all your potted plants indoors or to under some cover over them. When that happens there are three main areas that you need to monitor for the vitality of plants; moisture, light and temperature. There are plenty of gadgets available in the market for you to monitor these areas. Here’s a reminder what to look for.

Moisture: There are no hard rules about watering except paying attention to the plant. Use your judgment. Depends on the type of plant, type of soil in the pot, weather and sun exposure usually contributes how much to water. Check the soil and it will tell you whether the plant needs water or not.

Light: You bring plant indoors or under shade in order to protect them from frost. This creates a problem with light and depending on the variety of plant, required light exposure may vary. Depending how they react to light, you may have to move your potted plants few times until they find the perfect exposure to light.

Temperature: Potted plants don’t have the benefit of temperature buffering through soil. In order to protect the root ball from temperature fluctuations, use winter protection for containers.

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