Business Services

Protecting your business’s online reputation

Safeguarding a healthy online business reputation has not been more important as modern consumers rely on reviews to make a purchasing decision. Building, maintaining, and protecting a business’s online reputation is part of growing a business and this may involve some of the following strategies:

Check search engines – Online reviews, blogs, and social media posts are uploaded daily by consumers. Which makes checking Google Alerts and other notifications a necessity to understand what is said about a business. Private customer review websites such as, TripAdvisor, and Yelp additionally offer businesses with profiles notifications when a customer review has been posted.

Have multiple business profiles – Claiming profiles on social media and private customer review websites, will help a business distribute content while providing customers with a safe platform to voice their opinions.

Create a policy and hire staff to manage it – Creating a policy that specifies how customer complaints are to be handled, will help the business stay consistent and transparent. Additionally, hiring a competent team to manage and grow a business’s online presence can streamline content, providing customers with a clear message about the business’s identity. An experienced customer service team will also help to handle complaints and reduce negative reviews online.

Good quality content – Modern customers are discerning, and they tend to research products, services, and companies before a purchase. Offering information that helps customers understand what the business stands for, its services, and its culture will assist customers with making a purchase.

Revdex is an online business directory. Revdex’s aim is to improve the connection between consumers and businesses. They provide the customers with an opportunity to browse and post negative complaints and reviews about businesses and they make it easier for their voice to be heard by the companies.

Consumers can report scam about car dealers or report social media scams.